How to relieve lower back pain?

This blog cover up great info How to relieve lower back pain, Supplements back pain, Vitamins back pain, Chondroitin and glucosamine, Help back pain.

While certain supplements have been shown to help with back pain, others could be hazardous or merely hype.

The Nutritional and Other Approaches Lowdown- how to relieve lower back paint 

Supplements that naturally lower inflammation and relieve pain are one way to handle back pain.

This blog cover up great info How to relieve lower back pain, Supplements back pain, Vitamins back pain, Chondroitin and glucosamine, Help back pain.
This blog cover up great info How to relieve lower back pain, Supplements back pain, Vitamins back pain, Chondroitin and glucosamine, Help back pain.

Carrie Bowler, DO, a doctor at One Medical Group in New York, thinks supplements are most effective when combined with a good diet, frequent exercise, and stress management.

But just because something is labeled “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe; before starting a new regimen, speak with your doctor.

Certain supplements don’t work, while others might combine with other drugs and lead to problems.

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Chondroitin and Glucosamine

The U.S. National Library of Medicine lists glucosamine and chondroitin as naturally occurring substances in the body; chondroitin is found in cartilage around joints, while glucosamine is found in fluid around joints.

While there isn’t a lot of research on how well glucosamine and chondroitin supplements help people with back pain, Navid Farahmand, MD, of the Brain and Spine Institute of California in Newport Beach, says that studies have shown that they have a significant impact on people with chronic knee pain.

“In my clinical experience, it does help some but not all patients,” he says. “Many people use it for other chronic pain problems, like low back pain.”

Your medical practitioner will consider your age and general health, among other personal characteristics, to ascertain the correct dose.

Vitamin D – how to relieve lower back pain

Should you be experiencing back discomfort, a vitamin D shortage may aggravate the problem.

2013 saw the publication of research in Pain Physician that linked severe pain to a high incidence of vitamin D insufficiency in those with lumbar spinal stenosis.

This disorder manifests as lower back pain. The Office of Dietary Supplements advises that most people get 15 micrograms of vitamin D daily.

Your doctor will assess your particular requirements and propose a dose. Additionally, nutrients are supplied through foods like milk that have been vitamin D-fortified and sunlight exposure.

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Davil Claw – how to relieve lower back pain

The natural African shrub Harpagophytum procumbens is the source of the devil’s claw extract.

This blog cover up great info How to relieve lower back pain, Supplements back pain, Vitamins back pain, Chondroitin and glucosamine, Help back pain.

Dr. Farahmand says research indicates that a daily dosage of 50 mg of harpagoside, one of the active components in devil’s claw, may lessen flare-ups of persistent low back pain.

According to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, the compounds in devil’s claw may lessen the inflammation and swelling that lead to back pain, helping reduce the discomfort.

Many formulations of the supplement are sold. Check the label for harpagoside among the active components before choosing which to test. By

Aspects of Omega-3

Dr. Bowler claims that increasing your omega-3 fatty acid consumption may reduce inflammation that might result in back discomfort. There are pill and liquid supplements.

See your doctor about the proper dosage since more significant amounts of omega-3s may raise your chance of bleeding and conflict with any blood-thinning drugs you may be taking.

Eating more fatty fish, including salmon, sardines, tuna, and dark leafy greens, can help you consume more omega-3s.

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Turmeric – how to relieve lower back pain 

This blog cover up great info How to relieve lower back pain, Supplements back pain, Vitamins back pain, Chondroitin and glucosamine, Help back pain.

One product Bowler often suggests to her patients is turmeric because of its anti-inflammatory qualities.

Usually used in Indian curry recipes, the spice may be consumed as a liquid extract, blended into tea, or powdered in capsules.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCAAM), most individuals are considered safe using turmeric, although long-term usage may irritate the stomach.

It’s not advised as a dietary supplement for gallbladder disease sufferers since it might exacerbate the problem.


There has long been a medical use for capsaicin, which gives spicy peppers their spiciness.

Though derived from food, capsaicin is a cream usually administered three to four times daily or as a one-time-use patch rather than a dietary supplement.

It works by desensitizing the channels in the brain’s pain receptors that are responsible for transmitting pain signals.

A 2011 review paper in the Journal of Pain Research that examined a study including over 1,500 chronic pain sufferers found that 38 percent of study participants with musculoskeletal pain reported pain relief from capsaicin, and this effect persisted for four to eight weeks after the study ended.

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Herbal remedies- 

This blog cover up great info How to relieve lower back pain, Supplements back pain, Vitamins back pain, Chondroitin and glucosamine, Help back pain.

that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years have made their way to the United States.

But Farahmand warns that not all Chinese herbal pills are made equal.

According to him, “Since these products are not standardized or regulated, there have been reports of serious and life-threatening events associated with their use, such as damage to the liver.”

NCCAM issues a warning that certain Chinese herbal medicines are either not made of the components mentioned on the label or are tainted with heavy metals or poisons.

Farahmand advises getting advice from your doctor before beginning any Chinese supplement.

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