Healthy lifestyle habits.

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Healthy life habits You may feel better by exercising and reducing stress with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Managing GEP-NETs may be achieved via frequent checks, healthy nutrition, and exercise.

Healthy life habits – A healthy lifestyle, like eating healthily and exercising, may help you remain well throughout treatment if you have gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs).

GEP-NETs move slowly and have a longer lifespan than other malignancies. “According to Jennifer Eads, MD, an oncologist at Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center in Philadelphia who specializes in gastrointestinal malignancies, it is common for individuals to endure this condition for an extended period.

Healthy life habits “I almost refer to it as a chronic illness at times.” Research indicates that GEP-NETs have a generally good prognosis, with an average life of 27 years following diagnosis. Importantly, the prognosis varies greatly depending on the stage of the illness, the location of the tumors, and other features of the illness.

As you must eventually live with and manage GEP-NETs, controlling your lifestyle might be a potent addition to your medical care.

“I urge people to attempt to live as functionally as possible with the disease rather than allowing it to dictate their life,” says Dr. Eads.

These good living practices will support your GEP-NETs-using quality of life. Discussion

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Healthy lifestyle habits

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GEP-NET treatment is very customized; hence, it’s critical to surround oneself with the appropriate medical staff.

“Encouraging the presence of a team of individuals to provide care is recommended due to the complex nature of the illness,” Eads notes.

Among those on your care team might be for diagnosis and therapy, see a medical oncologist or surgeon for any necessary operations.

Interventional radiologists who use imaging to direct minimally invasive treatments

Physicians who practice nuclear medicine who use radioactive materials for testing or therapy

1. A neurologist

1. A physician of cardiovascular medicine

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A geneticist or genetic counselor at Eads suggests collaborating with as well:

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An individualized eating plan from a nutritionist.

A pharmacist who can guide you through obstacles that make the therapy challenging and is knowledgeable on GEP-NET medications and symptom management by a palliative care team is also needed.

A nurse navigator or social worker will assist you in finding information and services while receiving treatment.

Diet of the Mediterranean:Healthy lifestyle habits

Habits for health – Anyone with GEP-NETs should eat healthily. In particular, a Mediterranean diet is helpful in the prevention and treatment of several endocrine diseases, including neuroendocrine tumors.

Strive to consume a generous amount of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Eads emphasizes that eating what you can, when you can, is the most crucial thing. Habits for health

Habits for health “I prefer not to impose excessive limitations because individuals with cancer frequently experience weight loss, which we aim to avoid,” she clarifies.

Working with your healthcare team, develop a customized nutrition plan that meets your requirements if you’re having trouble eating. Habits for health

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Healthy lifestyle habits

The death rate from GEP-NETs increases with a decrease in normal-density muscle.

Working with your healthcare team, the researchers advise developing an activity and diet plan to stop muscle loss. Habits for health

Light riding, stretching, and walking are good low-impact workouts.

The Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation recommends seeing your doctor before engaging in any new activities, including your medical history and current medications.

Stop Smoking and Steer Clear of Alcohol

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A review links smoking to the development of neuroendocrine tumors, especially GEP-NETs. Healthy daily habits

Although researchers did not link alcohol and GEP-NETs, Eads notes that drinking may make symptoms worse, particularly in those with functioning tumors in their intestines that release hormones. Healthy daily habits

Thus, it is advisable to stay away from both cigarettes and alcohol. Healthy daily habits

Keep to a Regular Sleep Schedule-Healthy lifestyle habits

Healthy living habits Good-quality sleep improves happiness, general health, and cognitive performance.

Healthy living habits To get better rest, create a soothing nighttime ritual and adhere to a regular sleep schedule. Avoiding naps throughout the day can also help you stay awake at night.

Eads recommends engaging in regular exercise to improve the quality of your sleep.

Speak with your medical provider if your treatments or symptoms are making it difficult for you to sleep.

Manage Your Stress– Healthy lifestyle habits

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“Our goal is to assist individuals in reducing stress, as it can potentially exacerbate symptoms,” Eads clarifies.

She advises that if you’re worried about your illness or prognosis, see a cancer social worker or join a support group.

She explains that making sure you realize you are supported beyond your medical treatment is the aim.

Healthy living habits = You may investigate stress-reduction methods independently, including yoga, deep breathing exercises, or meditation.

Healthy living habits – Making these lifestyle adjustments may enable you to develop a comprehensive and efficient strategy for GEP-NET management.

Eads states that he aims to educate individuals about the fact that they do not possess cancer, as is often perceived, but rather a chronic ailment that will be controlled throughout their lifetime.

Though your diagnosis may not be within your control, it can affect your general health and GEP-NET experience.

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